Where Creativity Meets Spirituality

We are deep diving into the study of Human Design & stone medicine in order to create a truly one-of-a-kind custom jewelry process that supports your healing journey.

Everyone grows & changes at different rates, and sometimes there is a catalyst to that transformation. For me, it was a series of failed relationships that broke me down & ultimately set me free. During that time, I hit a rock bottom & finally there was no where else to go but inward. I faced my pain head on & started doing “the work” as they say. I enrolled myself in self help programs, found a therapist, spoke to allies about my struggles & started obsessively studying my Human Design chart. I found out that I am a 3/6 Splenic Projector with seven open energy centers & a lot of things that happened in my past started to make sense. Learning how my energy works within myself & interacts with the world gave me permission to stop doing things the way I thought I was supposed to be doing them & start living a different kind of life…one of my own creation! For the last two years, I’ve been deconditioning what I’ve learned from society & outside influences in order to build a new internal platform that feels more much aligned. I started following my strategy/authority & paying attention to the intuitive hits that my body recieves. It’s a forever practice, but it’s allowing me to regain trust in myself & understand that my mind is not the main decision maker. The more I learn, the more passionate I become. I believe the science of Human Design is so valuable & can be incredibly helpful for anyone’s healing journey. So much so, that I am working on incorporating it into my custom jewelry design process.

The Vision

To study, learn & combine my love for jewelry, spiritual practice, stone medicine & human design in order to establish a customized intuitive jewelry design experience soulheartedly created by Buffalo Bannon Designs.

We’re currently in the BETA phase of this endeavor. If this process is speaking to you, help us practice by inquiring about your custom HD jewelry piece today!